“I am SuitSat-1. I will destroy you.”
SuitSat is an old Soviet Orlan spacesuit that’ll soon be put into Earth’s orbit as a satellite. It’ll contain a few batteries and a 0.5 watt transmitter; an onboard voice synthesizer will transmit a greeting in multiple languages followed by an update on the satellite’s condition every 60 seconds. They’re saying the batteries should have enough juice for three to four days of operation.
You can listen to those transmissions with a scanner or transceiver by tuning in to 145.990Mhz. The ISS will also be repeating on 437.80Mhz at 10 watts. SuitSat will also transmit a ‘secret’ image via SSTV. Info on decoding that image is over here!
You’ll only have about ten minutes to listen in while the suit is overhead, so be sure to get the timing right. You can find out when to listen at AMSAT or by using NASA’s shitty Java-based J-Pass utility.