I’m going to a bachelor party this weekend. I’ll be on a houseboat on Lake Mohave on the Nevada/Arizona border for the next three days with a dozen strangers!
What can you do on a houseboat? Jetski and wave-running, of course! Those are fun, sure, but why stop there?
Having never fished before, I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity!

With temperatures in the 110 degree-range I think sitting and staring at a pole with gin in one hand and water in the other seems like a wise move. I will be fully clothed, however!
I picked up a POS $25 fishing pole at Target and even bought a two-day non-resident Nevada fishing license online to keep it legal.
I am totally pumped. You might as well start calling me The Fish Master right now because I’m going to fish the HELL out of that lake. The latest reports say I’ll be catching catfish and striped bass.
And catch them I shall. For I… I am The Fish Master.
I might eat them! Or I might just throw them back. Depends how gross the whole this whole process turns out to be.