Yes, that is THE Guardian of Forever, from City on The Edge of Forever. (TOS, season 1, episode 28)
Saturday we drove out to Long Beach to see Star Trek: The Tour, a traveling exhibit of Star Trek props. I’ve never been to the Star Trek Experience at the Vegas Hilton, but I’m guessing it was probably pretty similar.
I got to walk down TNG-era corridors…

…with static LCARS displays on the walls. (Note we’re at red alert!)

Here my father and law and I are reversing polarities and redirecting tachyon flow in main engineering.

We were also able to see and sit in the original bridge!

And the Next Generation Bridge!

Tammy’s favorite part was seeing Geordi’s visor.

This was Captain Picard’s actual uniform!

I have to say it was pretty fun! Saturday was only the second day of a nationwide tour, so check to see if it’s headed your way!