The Mysterious Cities of Gold was a French/Japanese TV series created in 1982. It aired in the US on Nickelodeon from 1986 to 1990. That means that my friends and I spent four years watching the same 39 episodes over and over again. The theme song should bring back memories if you’re at least 30:
“MCoG” is coming back. France TV is producing three new seasons that pick up where the first one left off. The new one uses this weird-looking CGI/handrawn art style that really gives the 30-year-old show a fresh look. Here’s the trailer (in French):
Season 2 debuts sometime in 2012.
Hello!!! m’y name is Tolrad, i have a fresh news for the mysterious cities of gold 2. Sorry for my english langage but i’m french. Two news épisodes comming at the french channel TF1 last january 2013. The documentary is présent in end of the épisode but i not say for the original soundtrack… TF1 and blue spirits animation vas in conflict With french fans of the first season of the mysterious cities of gold. I think the body of the heroes as horrible. You want post a mail in blue spirits website for read you’re opinion. Good bye and very very Sorry for my english. 🙂