Last weekend we drove up to see my brother graduate from UC Davis. It was cool, especially with Sirius to keep us company for the 6+ hour drive. I can’t belive that I graduated 4 years ago. Where does the time go? I can’t say I missed it too much…I’m glad to be earning a…
Author: Brett
Working in the world of web hosting, I have learned this- Spammers are angry all the time, even when you’re not shutting them down for spamming (yet). Porno site webmasters are some of the nicest, friendliest, customers you can have.
Rage has a new name, and it is Mr. Bergis.
The Best Page In The Universe lives up to its name! Great articles and insightful commentary on important stuff!
Telephone job interviews are usually outsourced to a call center, but even so it’s always a good idea to not be a jerk when you call! When I launched into the actual interview, it really pissed them off. They’d get furious that the freaking receptionist had the audacity to waste their time by … And…
I’m with Wired News. G4TechTV sucks. Sure, they play the old TechTV shows, but so far it’s mostly been repeats. And G4’s shows are so horrendous that scooping your eyeballs out of their sockts with grapefruit spoons would be preferrable to watching them. Would you really want to spend 30 minutes of your life listening…
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is being remade in 2D. I think it’ll be one of those projects that gets a lot of press for being unique and cool, but then months later still isn’t finished and then the author loses his enthusiasm and gives up on it.
One man’s story of bringing pizza to North Korea: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
P2P technology isn’t really that hard to wrap your brain around… Or is it?
Two big announcements in the world of Tivo this morning! As of today, any additional Tivos on your account after the first one will see their monthly fee cut to $6.95, rather than $12.95. (Lifetime subs are still $299.) But the biggest news is that the Home Media Option – previously a one-time $100 fee…