Our good friends Stacy and Steve are getting married in October. As an early wedding present we decided to hook them up with http://www.steveandstacy.com/ which officially opens its doors today. (stacyandsteve.com was taken!) It only took me about a day and a half of solid work to crank it all out, which is record time!
Author: Brett
Morning Edition host of 25 years Bob Edwards is being pushed out as the network searches for younger blood. I guess I’m a little indifferent about it. I never really disliked Bob, but I never got in my car and was like “Bob Edwards in the morning. HELL YEAH.”
If you’re a big music downloader, you are no doubt annoyed with untagged or improperly tagged mp3 files. MusicBrainz Tagger will examine your mp3s, compare them to a central database, and apply the correct tags to all of them. If your mp3s aren’t in the database, you can elect to submit the proper tags. MusicBrainz…
If you’re wondering what happened to ShareReactor, the truth is not pretty.
More paper folding stuff! Star Wars models and Star Trek models! Maybe the most impressive paper project I’ve seen is a full size replica of the M41-A Pulse Rifle from Aliens. It’s full size, it’s in full-color, it has moving parts, and it prints out on thirty sheets of paper! Truly amazing!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’m not wearing green. Are you? Stacy and Steve are coming over for dinner tonight! This morning I threw together pepperoncini beef in the Crock Pot. Pepperoncinis are green! I highly recommend that recipe! We made it once before and it was awesome. It’s also super easy to prepare. So yeah,…
If you want unlimited internet on your phone and you’re using Nextel or Boost, you don’t need to pay the extra $3.50/mo (Nextel) or $0.20/day (Boost). First you need to find out your Sub ID Nextel: Menu/Net/Nextel.com/Sub ID Boost: Menu/Web Hold down menu button Go to ‘bookmarks’ At the error message, hit ‘menu’ Pick ‘go…
The concrete walk in front of our house doesn’t get a lot of sun, and as a result it has slowly turned green from algae growth. It didn’t smell funny or feel slippery or anything, but man it bugged me having green stains on the walkway. So I did some research! I guess the traditional…
PaperToys.com is good for rainy days! Where else can you find printable, assemblable cutouts of FLW’s Fallingwater, a DeLorean, and the Space Shuttle?
I totally supported Charlie Ergen’s stand against Viacom last week. I’ve been nothing but happy with my Dish subscription and Charlie has consistently showed that he’s willing to fight the big boys to keep my monthly bills from inflating out of control. Dish and Viacom resolved their contract dispute yesterday, and I’m sure it wouldn’t…