If you’re looking for a Windows XP visual style that doesn’t look like it was designed by a 10 year old (and most do…have you seen the crap that gets posted at themexp.org lately?) then I’ve found the style for you! I just re-discovered Classix, and it looks like there’s been a few variations made…
Author: Brett
NPR receives record donation from McDonald’s founder’s widow. That’s right! Proceeds from one of the world’s largest corporations are now funding NPR. Where is your god now, hippies!? In other news, I saw the third Matrix last night. It was a really good movie I thought. It wasn’t as good as the first one, but…
Sony released a concept rendering of their PSP device today. Looks interesting. The final design will be shown at E3 next year. That might be reason enough to go.
A week or so ago I installed a wall-mounted TV stand in our master bedroom. It was without a doubt one of the hardest things I’ve ever done around the house. AVF Vector also has some of the worst documentation you’ll ever find in the home improvement arena. There are a few things I learned…
I am Kong. Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don’t want to fight, I don’t want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don’t get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever’s stopping…
The 2004 Prius looks awesome. However, I have been spoiled by my Camry. Leather seats and sunroofs are not options on the Prius, so I will not be getting one this year. So sad.
Well Halloween was great. We had a ton of kids come by the house Friday night. Stacy and Steve came over to hang out with us, and we made burgers on the grill. We had such a great time, in fact, that we were too sauced to drive to my office in LA for our…
Happy Halloween! Here’s a Halloween joke that Tammy and I have been telling everyone today: “What do you get when you goose a ghost?” “A handful of sheet!”
My non-computer-geek dad is really interested in getting an mp3 player for himself, so I’ve been doing some research into what’s good. What really amazes me and even makes me a little mad is that people are still making mp3 players that don’t use hard drives. It’s like…”Wow. 256 megs. That’ll hold like…4 albums. But…
Mac users can rock it with eDonkey too! Macdonkey is cool, but you have to create an account before it lets you see the interesting stuff. For example, a link to grab OSX 10.3 off the network is right here.