I finally found a Winamp skin that I almost like better than MMD3. It’s called PAD and it bears more than just a passing resemblance to Magellan’s Meridian Platinum GPS…
Author: Brett
Konakai is your guide to all things Tiki. Shag is the greatest living artist of our time. Shagmart is a good place to spend some money. Are these shirts awesome or what?
Wow. This nutjob is on a death-fast until he can get an answer from the IRS that cites some specific law that says he is required to pay income tax. I’m pretty sure there is no specific law that says that, but the courts have said there is on many occaisions, and this guy is…
It looks like Star Wars Kid has some money and an iPod coming his way.
If Al Lutz is to be believed, Jay Rasulo is Disneyland’s savior. His predecessor, the very retail-minded Paul Pressler (who recently left to fill a position at the Gap) was not very big on installing new attractions, or spending the money to maintain existing ones. Al’s latest sarcasm-filled update reveals some newly-leaked plans for Disneyland’s…
Well I did it. After months of flirting with less than two gigs of free space, I finally ordered a bigger hard drive. My 40 gig drive just wasn’t cutting it, and it was beginning to show signs of failure. It’s from IBM’s infamous 75GXP line, so I’m surprised its lasted this long, to be…
You know those airphones you see in the backs of chairs in front of you on airplanes? Apparently they broadcast unencrypted in the 800 mhz band. Smaller private planes do the same thing on 400 mhz. It could make for some interesting listening!
Last night I played Wario Ware for a really long time. The game is insane, frenetic, and totally fun. Unfortunately the main game is over all too quickly, but replaying the mini-games to break your own recrods is still pretty fun.
For some reason the Edwards theater in Anaheim Hills was showing the Matrix Reloaded yesterday – a day before it’s official release – so I cruised on down there to meet Tammy and we caught the 10:30 show. Pretty good movie – lots of action and a little bit of story thrown in for flavor….
Tonight’s Southpark episode is Krazy Kripples – one of the funniest in recent memory. Watch it!