Video games attack the World Trade Center. Hilarity ensues.
Author: Brett
Well folks, today’s the day – Black Friday. The last Farscape episode airs tonight at 8pm PST. Four years is a respectable run, but to cut the show down in its prime is one of the great television programming mistakes of the century. Let’s hope another station picks up where SciFi left off.
Wow! Cisco buys Linksys. That’s big news! It’s sort of weird! But it totally makes sense. I just hope Linksys products don’t start getting shipped with Cisco pricetags.
Just an update to the last entry… CBS showed some sense last night and did stop covering the war when it was clear that nothing new was being reported. They did show yesterday’s episode of Survivor at is regularly scheduled time, for which I am grateful!
Hey guys, thanks a lot for deciding to start a war in prime time! What the hell am I supposed to watch now? I was watching King of the Hill and it was the one where Peggy goes to Dallas to compete in the Boggle championships. Just when she and Hank had checked into the…
WOW! Children of Dune is SO BAD! And I don’t mean bad as in ‘bad ass’. I mean bad as in ‘train wreck horrible.’ I just forced myself to watch 45 minutes of it (the promos looked interesting,) and brother it has been a true struggle. If I hear anyone say “Fear is the mindkiller”…
Well that’s one way to sell a Game Boy! Let’s hear it for Nintendo Europe!
Check it out! We gonna have a war in 48 hours! Expect an unprecedented level of terrorist attacks against the USA shortly after from a lot more fringe groups than just Al Qaeda. I may not agree with a war, but I support my country. I know we’ll win and I hope it’s over quickly.
Today is Saint Patrick’s Day and Google didn’t change their logo or anything! It’s not like I care about the holiday, but come on. They change their logo for the lamest crap like Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday and Boxing Day, so I think St. Patrick’s Day would qualify! Anyway, there’s an almost hilarious number of…
Mozilla 1.3 is finally here. MozillaMail now has its own built-in spam detector that learns what is and isn’t spam once you train it to your liking! I’d like to start using Mozilla instead of Eudora for mail, but I hate the idea of using one application for both email and web browsing. Maybe someday.