Lik-Sang got their hands on a GBA SP and opened it up.
Author: Brett
Driving to work today vs yesterday was insane. Yesterday it was raining. Today it was a hurricane. The drops were HUGE and constant. It never rains in LA, and when it does, it’s a light shower. I’m not used to torrential downpours like what we’ve had today, but it’s exciting! I like being in the…
I have to work on something that I really don’t want to work on, and it’s going to slow me down on everything else getting done. Aieee.
I am a little sleepy right now. Our old building leaks. Luckily my office is dry!
Guess I’m working at the right place! Which OS are You?
Hey vegetarians, 30 years of research has concluded that fish don’t feel pain, so that’s one more thing you can start eating. Hooray!
This weekend Tammy and I stopped at Best Buy to pick up a printer cartridge, and on a whim we also got The Complete Farscape Season 1. Impulse buys like this will be the death of us.
Oh yeah, is all-new as of a few days ago. I wouldn’t call it ‘easy to use,’ mainly because they used Flash for EVERYTHING and backing up is nearly impossible, but it looks a lot nicer than it used to and its got loads more useful information than before, that’s for sure.
I had a busy day today looking at commercial office space with Michael and Nate. I think the costs of moving the office outweigh the benefits, but I’ve been wrong before.
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