I think I got my webcam working again. It was freezing up after running for a day or two before and my images would get corrupted and stuff. I just updated the software this afternoon, and it seems to be working for now… Check me out! Click the webcam link at the bottom of the…
Author: Brett
I have problems. Last night I had a dream that Tammy and I were back at the NAMM show and I bought a banjo. I was out of control and I bought the most expensive one I could find, which was about $600. Then I had serious buyer’s remorse because $600 for a musical instrument…
Well the first two of the remaining 11 episodes of Farscape haven’t done very well in the ratings, so the case for saving the show isn’t looking too good right now. The cover of the February 3rd Variety will look like this though!
This morning on the way to work I stopped at Blockbuster to drop off the movies. As soon as I dropped the movies down the slot, this lady popped out of her car and said “Hello, would you like a brochure?” I was expecting a sales flyer for a local business, but then she adds…
Man what a busy couple of days I’ve had! Last week I spent two days at our datacenter, getting racks ready and laying cable for maybe 100 machines that we’re moving over from one of our old datacenters. It’s tiring work, and the drive out of downtown LA adds like 45 minutes to my hour-long…
I love the way money smells. (Dr. Evil pinkie raise) No matter how old and worn out a dollar bill is, it always smells the same as every other dollar bill. I also love the way gasoline smells, although not as much as I used to when I was a kid.
Well it looks like my primary source for LA traffic information, ocnow.com, is no more. It has been bought out by Cox, and the traffic maps are now gone. All is not lost, though. I stumbled upon the LA traffic map at sigalert.com and now I’m happy! It’s just as comprehensive as the ocnow map,…
I think I get more spam advertising Norton Systemworks 2003 than anything else.
Hot damn! Unreal 2 has gone gold and will be released the first week in February! Talk about a beautiful game!
I made a country chicken casserole last night. It wasn’t particularly flavorful, so I think I probably screwed up the recipe somehow. It sure looked good though! Have I mentioned how much I hate Adelphia Cable? They shut off our cable a month after we moved in. Granted, we weren’t ever a paying customer of…