Kate’s 12 month photos are up. There’s also a brief one-year retrospective if you missed anything last year. This is probably the last you’ll see of these high-quality Kate photos for a while. Our awesome photographer, Tonya, is gettin’ out of the biz temporarily to have another baby. It’s been a crazy 12 months!
Author: Brett
What an exciting and un-fun weekend I had. Thursday after work my car almost wouldn’t start. I drove it straight to the repair shop and $1200 later, it’s working again. I don’t exactly have that kind of money laying around, so I’m a little scared. Friday Kate was barfing all over the place and not…
Battlestar Drinks – a collection of cocktails inspired by BSG. This little red number is a “Caprica 6“ Followed by an “Adama’s Headache“
Kate turned 1 year old on Super Bowl Sunday. We had her party the day before at the Irvine Park Railroad, which is located within the monstrously huge Irvine Regional Park, California’s oldest county park. About 40 people turned out for this gala event. Macaroni Grill handled the food and Sprinkles took care of the…
Ms. Kate Marie turned 11 months old on January 1st, and here are the photos to prove it. Her birthday falls on Superbowl Sunday this year, so we scheduled her party for the day before to avoid scheduling conflicts for our guests. The theme of the party is cupcakes, because Kate is a little cupcake….
I don’t like to discuss politics and I don’t get all worked up over things like elections. But I will say this – It’s nice to finally have a president in office who knows how to use a computer. That’s never really happened in my lifetime and it makes Obama seem more like a normal…
Behold the power of punctuation! The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks I really hope you take the time to check this out, “Friend”.
All ten parts of the web-exclusive BSG episode, “The Face Of The Enemy” are online now, so you can watch them all back-to-back. It’s a set up for Friday’s premiere of the last half of the final season. Friday’s episode runs long, so make sure you set your DVRs accordingly!
Over the weekend Kate taught herself a new trick. She discovered that if she shoves her pointer finger and middle finger far enough into her mouth at the same time…that she’ll barf. She finds this to be hilarious, both before and after. She’ll walk over to me with those fingers in her mouth, and I…
Disneyland Dream is some guy’s home movie of his family’s trip to Disneyland. They filmed it back in 1956, a year after the park opened. It has inexplicably been entered into the National Film Registry for preservation alongside the likes of feature-length films like The Terminator and Deliverance. You can stream or download it free…