I got my Xbox 360 back from the repair center yesterday. That’s a 10 day turnaround from the day I dropped it off at UPS. Not too shabby, but nothing beats the three days I got from Nintendo. Not all is well with my returned 360, however! Now I can only use the downloaded content…
Author: Brett
VIDEO GAME CONSOLE REPAIR UPDATE! I dropped my broken Wii off at the UPS store Monday morning and had a brand new one delivered to my house by noon THURSDAY. That’s crazy fast! If you live in Southern California and your Wii dies, you can probably expect the same results – the repair center is…
Part of my morning routine includes something I like to call the “Catalina Shuffle”. I take two Q-Tips and dip them in hot water. Then I shove them in my ears and spin them around at the same time while simultaneously swishing Listerine around in my mouth. It’s an intense experience and it makes me…
Last night I was witness to a double homicide. In my living room. Both my Xbox 360 and my Wii are busted. What are the odds! I’ve had my 360 since February of 2006 and it has otherwise performed flawlessly since then. I consider myself lucky to have gotten 26 months of service out of…
Kate had her three-month photos taken yesterday. (see also, two months, one month, and zero months) She didn’t smile much, but trust me – when the cameras are gone she smiles like they’re going outta style. The other night I laid her down in her bassinet at bedtime and I laid down to go to…
The Wii’s Virtual Console has been hacked to pieces. You can find pirated VC games at your favorite torrent sites and install them with nothing more than a copy of Zelda and a buffer-overflow exploit loaded on an SD card. The entire process is dead easy, takes just minutes, and you don’t even need a…
The Xbox Live experience, distilled down to a 3 minute video orientation. Q: “How can you spot a cheater?” A: “Basically…if they’re better than you. If someone’s kicking your ass in Halo, they’re probably cheating. Or gay.”
“I like to practice my thinking in a darkened room, alone. I focus on one thing, such as Tree. I think about Tree. Then, after that, I think about Cloud. Then later, as I walk outside, I see Tree and since I have practiced thinking, I avoid hitting it. I try and have six or…
Abridged My Name Is Earl Episode Guide: Seasons One and Two: Hilarious hijinx all around. The show is fresh, funny, and endearing. Nearly every episode is memorable and the writing is great. Season Three: The writers decide to throw Earl in prison for what feels like the entire season. Predictably, the show starts to suck…
Once a year our homeowners association holds an election for open positions on the board of directors. You can either vote at the annual meeting or through a secret ballot sent to you in the mail. I just received this year’s ballot and have to say, I’m considering voting for Leonard Stamper. I could almost…