There’s a new free game up on the Xbox Live Marketplace today.While it’s a free download for everyone, you’ll need a Vision camera to actually play TotemBall. TotemBall was developed by Strange Flavour, the same guys who made ToySight for the Apple iSight. I played TotemBall this morning for a few minutes before work…and it’s…
Author: Brett
I just finished my latest big project. Check out the redesign over at
So let’s say you really like this band and for some reason they’ve chosen MySpace as the one-and-only place for fans to listen to their new, unreleased, or rare titles. That’s great exposure for the band I guess, but not-so-great for the fans! MySpace uses a proprietary streaming Flash player which prevents you from saving…
“Could not complete your request because of a program error.” This is by far my favorite PhotoShop error message. I get it all the time. A save/quit/restart always fixes it, but man. Annoying. I’d post a screenshot if I could, but, well, program error and all that.
If you worked at a mortgage company I bet spam filters would be completely useless.
Friday night I was finally able to track down an Xbox Live Vision camera. Microsoft’s been having some real distribution problems with these things, at least in southern California anyway. They were supposed to hit retail last Tuesday, but nearly a week later every Best Buy, Target, Toys-R-Us, and Wal-Mart within like a 30 mile…
I love pencils. When I was a kid I used to really like mechanical pencils. Those were fun for a while but as I’ve grown up I’ve started to appreciate real, wooden pencils. I love the way they feel, I love the way they smell, and I love the way they write. All you have…
Once every six months Microsoft sends down a firmware/dashboard update to the Xbox360. It seems to be working well because they really haven’t broken anything yet and they’ve pretty much only been adding new features or fixing some small usability issues. In their Tokyo Game Show press release they’ve made a bit of a surprise…
Well today is the official Talk Like A Pirate Day. Instead of talking like a buffoon all day I’m going to share with you some real pirate booty! When Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean first opened in March 1967, the “Pirate Arcade” at the exit (now a pirate gift shop) contained a vending machine that…
Can you imagine how much email gets sent to I bet it’s a lot. I pretty much use that whenever I need to test something. I’m sure the folks at “Test Central” appreciate it. Along those same lines… I once heard someone say that the two biggest ISPs in the world are ‘Linksys’ and…