The Xbox Live Vision comes out tomorrow! With it you’ll be able to hold one-on-one video chats with your friends, map your face onto in-game characters, or just stream your video alongside your gamertag when you’re playing games like Uno online. I’ve got this Best Buy gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket, so…
Author: Brett
I like to write things. For a long time I thought it would be a lot of fun to write a book. I’ve had a few ideas for science fiction stories bouncing around in my head but I’ve never really sat down and gotten to work on anything. Plus it’s rare to see sci-fi on…
You know how whenever you’re near a set of speakers with your mobile phone it makes the speakers go all crazy and make these half-beep/half-static noises? I hate that. I don’t think this phenomenon has a name yet, so today I’m going to start calling it stabeeple. That’s so catchy! Treos are the WORST. The…
$250 and a US launch date of November 19th. Nice. Check out the interface videos at Nintendo’s Japanese site. (They start on page 5.) I just hope they don’t use the same asinine “friend code” system that they do for the DS. The Wii needs a buddylist like the 360!
For our anniversary gift this year my parents took Tammy and I to see Willie Nelson at the Hollywood Bowl. They had won some box seats in a charity auction, so we tagged along and watched the Nelsonator on Friday night. Willie’s first set was mostly slow songs, but the LA Philharmonic played backup and…
Whenever I eat hot dogs I feel like I’m doing the meat industry a favor.I imagine the inventor of the hot dog must have been sitting around the dumpster of his meat processing plant one day, watching all of the waste before him and wondering if things couldn’t change somehow. We’ll call him Joe. Joe…
We went to Dave and Buster’s Friday night for a little holiday weekend partying. I got totally addicted to the ‘drop a coin in and see if it makes the little pusher things knock more coins off the edge’ game. You know what I’m talking about, right? One of these bad boys:I was seriously the…
Who doesn’t like Castlevania music? Besides terrorists, pretty much nobody. Check out HOUSE coming at you live from Shane’s bedroom. He does an expert acoustic/electric guitar rendition of Castlevania 3’s greatest hits!
Does that artist look familiar? It should. It’s Biff from Back to the Future! Tom Wilson will be at Disneyland doing an artist signing November 4th if you’re looking for a painting or poster or autograph or what-have-you.
In my office at work I’ve got this torchiere light and because I’m lazy I have it hooked up to a wireless power switch. With a flick of the battery-operated switch on my desk the light turns on and off. This setup has worked well for over a year. Until now. Yesterday my light started…