Trulia is a totally free combination of Google Maps and open real estate listings. Unfortunately Trulia’s listings don’t always link to working URLS with complete MLS data, but it’s a start! I had no idea there were so many houses for sale in my area!
Author: Brett
If you’ve got bulky items around the house that you don’t need anymore and you don’t have an easy way of getting them to a donation center, you can schedule a free pickup from The Salvation Army will come and haul your stuff away free of charge, and in return you’ll get a receipt…
Have you been watching SG-1 at all this season? I don’t know if I like where it’s headed. I like Ben Browder as much as the next guy, but when they took O’Neill and Hammond out of the picture it just became a completely different show. They shouldn’t have killed off the Goa’uld, ’cause the…
1up has a nice preview of Shadow of the Colossus. It comes out October 18th, just three weeks from today. I’m excited, and I know you know already.
Tammy’s been out of town on business, so Saturday I was flying solo at my boss’ wedding. At the altar First kiss The reception (open bar!) Huge floral centerpieces! I don’t know what this is, but the salsa band used it. I’ve never met a cake I didn’t like. The first dance. It was a…
DJ Shadow fans should not miss this video of Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt and Changeling played live by a high school band.
Conan Corky Tell me those aren’t the cutest frigging cats you’ve ever seen in your life.
TiVo Anywhere lets you stream video recorded on your Tivo to any computer with an Internet connection. Pretty snazzy!
Oh Nintendo, why are you so good at separating me from my money? I was so proud of my GBA SP – possibly the most perfect handheld gaming system ever made. I play it all the time and have successfully resisted purchasing all other forms of handheld entertainment! I’m proud of myself for not succumbing…
Hangin’ with Conan. That ugly couch is gone now. Isn’t this what weblogs are for?