It was only a matter of time before placing a geocache would be mistaken for an act of terrorism.
The Indiana Jones merchandise event packages have just been announced. You’ve got two choices – $450 or $150. Ouch.
A lot of people turn their noses up at Christmas music. I am not one of those people! Register at and you’ll be able to download vinyl Christmas albums from days gone by, one per week, in the distribution style made popular by Basic Hip. The first album gets posted on Friday, so register…
Dolphins make good people herders.
As old as it may be, I’m finding that Bonanza [Tivo] is a really great show. Lorne Greene always pissed me off on Battlestar Galactica and I’m not sure why…but on Bonanza, he’s golden. With 14 seasons of old episodes to watch, I’ve got to get cracking!
Did you catch the phone number on Mirage’s business card during The Incredibles? People on the internet are saying it’s 866-787-3743 (or 866-SUPER-HERO). I had to redial a few times to get past the busy signals, but when I got through there was a recorded message telling me to call 800-345-1400. It appears to be…
Pepsi Holiday Spice is a limited-edition Pepsi product. On a $1000 bet, Brian from California agreed to drink nothing but Pepsi Holiday Spice for 45 days. He’s gained 13 pounds in three days and his pee is red. Diarrhea ahoy!
Black Friday is coming. Are you ready?
Joe’s Out, Mel’s In Maybe this was Howard’s big announcement…
This morning Howard Stern gave away 500 Sirius boomboxes in Manhattan to anyone who showed up. And quite a few people did. When they ran out of boomboxes they gave away 20,000 vouchers for free radios. Stern appears on Letterman tonight. Drudge and others seem to think that Sirius may have bought out his current…