I just learned this morning that we’re moving offices and my daily commute is about to be extended by 30 minutes each way. I knew moving to the OC was going to bite me in the ass. I was really getting sick of the drive already and this doesn’t make my life any easier.
Sonic in Flash? I don’t know how they did it, but holy crap is it cool!
If you’ve been experiencing irritating delays when attempting to download files in Firebird 0.8, you’re not alone! The new download manager is to blame. There is a patch available that fixes this behavior!
Marioland: An epic tale of tragedy, love, and triumph in the Mushroom Kingdom. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 It is one of the coolest Flash cartoons I have seen in a while. Unfortunately after #3 it’s “to be continued”…
QUICK! Someone give me $600!
“Delta Esparza” apparently ripped me off. Some of it is even a complete cut-and-paste job. I’m talkin’ word for word. What the fuck.
Penguin Massacre flash game. My high score: 839.7. Beat it if you dare!
Michael Eisner caught in a lie. From an interview transcript with Larry King four days ago: “EISNER: I promise you. I have been to the cemetery where he is resting. His wishes were that it was unmarked, and not available to anybody to ever find out. But I went up there and I talked my…
I love the way my cat smells. She’s an indoor cat, so she really doesn’t smell like anything at all…but if you bury your nose in her fur and breathe in you can smell her faintly. She doesn’t seem to mind too much, and her scent is oh-so wonderful. Cats. Heh.
I’ve finally found a lightweight RSS plugin for Firefox that I can live with. It took weeks of searching, but I have to say I’m really happy with “RSS Reader Panel.” It’s simple, it’s fast, and it also supports Atom feeds. The folks at Blogger seem to think that Atom is the wave of the…