Crazy weekend! Friday I was sick for most of the day. Late that night we went to hang out with some of Tammy’s friends in Hermosa Beach. We started out at Shark’s Cove bar and then went down to some other bar with lots of music and dancing. That was a late night of drinking…
The Internet has changed me. For example: I don’t think recording artists should be compensated for their work. I think it’s dumb to charge people money for access to music. I think live performances should be the exception. Charge money for concerts and public performances, but don’t charge money for the music itself. In my…
Jack Skellington returns to Disneyland this Friday! (Or Thursday night if you’re going to the special event…) We went to the event last year, so we decided not to go this year. Now we’ve changed our minds and are kicking ourselves!
It looks like house hunting will have to wait this weekend. There’s florist hunting to be done instead! So much to do, so few weekends!
Whatever happened to A-Ha? They were good!
Weird gloomy weather today. I hope it clears up by the weekend. There’s house hunting to be done!
Like having one hole in the ozone wasn’t enough, now we have two! I’m not too worried though. There’s a growing number of scientists who say that the level of ozone in the atmosphere has zero impact on global warming, and they’ve got some pretty convincing evidence! (I’d provide a link here if I had…
Tammy and I went to a Star Trek convention on Saturday. It was AWESOME. Patrick Stewart, Gates McFadden, and Wil Wheaton were all there. Virginia Hey from Farscape was there signing autographs, too! That was pretty great! I’m already pumped up about the Farscape convention next month!
This guy is a musical GENIUS. He writes music using nothing more than 8-bit Nintendo samples! Click the ‘music’ link on the left for mp3s!
I want a Broadbench monitor!!!