Boot Camp! Wow! That’s the last thing I’d expect from Apple. It’s still not as cool as OSX running on generic Intel hardware, but it’s something! John C. Dvorak might have been right! I’m pretty sure Apple won’t ditch OSX ever (nor should they), but this could be viewed as a step in that direction.
“Darwin Awards”, “This guy’s a moron”, etc, etc. No more hand.
Jeff just let me know that tonight it’ll be 01:02:03 04/05/06! So get ready! For what, I don’t know. But you can bet some strange shit’s gonna go down somewhere.
My aunt, uncle, and cousin were in town over the weekend. My cousin was playing in a soccer tournament in Temecula, so I drove out there to watch the games and spent the night with my parents, brother, and his fiancee. (Tammy’s in Baltimore on business – rubbing elbows with Dana Carvey!) It rained on…
Here’s some pretty sweet Public Service Announcements from the cast of The Office. Pretty much anything that Dwight says is comedy gold.
Did you know that when you explicitly set a 100% table width with CSS and align it next to a float, stuff breaks? Oh it breaks, and it breaks bad. Firefox will spread the table’s width to fill the page, completely underlapping the float and ignoring the dimensions of any parent container. IE will throw…
Last night I bought a video game for myself. ‘Bought’ – as in ‘spent money on.’ For the first time in years! And I didn’t even have to leave my couch! The whole “Microsoft Points” system is an ingenious way to inject a little confusion into the buying process so that you’re never really sure…
I’m wearing oversized headphones right now as I evaluate the ridiculous claims made by the authors of the BrainWave Generator. I’m ‘entraining’ my brain with binaural beat frequencies to calm my mind and focus my attention! Or! I’m listening to static and warbly low frequency sounds for absolutely no reason! I’m pretty sure it’s the…
What is there to say about Xeni Jardin that hasn’t already been said by
Oh god…”ArtieTSMITW“, I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but you do an awesome Willie Wonka. And sassy black woman. And Captain Picard. The list goes on. ACTOR EXTRAORDINAIRE!