Dude. The Diablo II MP3 player that’s on the front page of Battle.net today is taking me back. Way back. Man that was a great game.
I’ve become a coffeeholic over the past few weeks, and that has encouraged me to do some research into the single-cup coffee-making revolution that’s sweeping the nation! Here’s what I was able to find! In the world of single-serve coffee makers there are three basic styles from which to choose: the Coffee Pod, the K-Cup,…
The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny pits some of the world’s greatest heroes against some of the world’s greatest badasses. Well worth the download time! It’s brought to you by the same dudes who did the hilarious flash animation at ebaumsworldsucks.com.
I’ve been daydreaming of getting a plasma TV for a really long time. Unfortunately I’ve never really had the money to spend thousands of dollars on a TV. Mostly I just want to free up some space in my living room by hanging a TV on the wall. I still don’t have a plasma (or…
I used to love the smell of coffee but I hated the taste. This has recently changed. In the past month I’ve started drinking coffee. A lot of coffee. I’d say I go through three to six cups per day. (I blame it on the coolness of our office’s new Star Trek-like coffee maker, but…
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out as a live action video. Watch The Kid take on Don Flamenco and Great Tiger!
I have to admit, I’ve got a bit of a man-crush on David Byrne. When most people hear his name they usually think of The Talking Heads, but he’s got a great solo act now and every now and then he’ll put out a new album. Some albums are good and some are a little…
Jupelo is my new hero. He’s spending $100,000 of his own money to spend an entire year at the Walt Disney World Resort. He flies home one day a week, and the other six he’s spending in Disney hotels. He’s blogging and videotaping the whole thing. When the year’s over he’s off to college. I…
How did it get to be Wednesday already? We spent most of Sunday at The Magic Castle. I had been there once before, but it’s still as fun as ever. The place is like one giant maze with secret passages and people doing magic in small poorly-lit alcoves all over the place. It’s probably as…
I am both amazed and relieved to see that an Xbox360 modchip was created so quickly.